Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions per week, 2 hours per session

Course Goals

Gain awareness into the tools and techniques of digital filmmaking.

Develop literacy of digital film principles and practices together with a working vocabulary for studying filmmaking as a technical and an artistic phenomenon.

Acquire a deeper knowledge base to better appreciate and interpret underlying technical methodologies that contribute to the creative process and meaningful decision-making.

Obtain greater insight into the cinema industry and its evolving production practices as well as their influences on contemporary aesthetics and professional filmmakers.

Contribute new ideas to the classroom. Explore perspectives openly and collaboratively. Foster critical thinking through writing and discussion. Competently field questions. Reflect on what is learned and think of ways to make improvements.

Instructor Expectations

Learn and have fun! Respect varying points of view. Be present for class. Arrive prepared with finished work and all appropriate materials. Embrace academic integrity. Take responsibility for your own learning.


Reflective Writing  35%

Pop Quizzes          35%

(Used as a basis of continuous assessment.)

Final Exam             20%

Participation             5%

(In-class contribution and interaction with other students and the instructor. Asking questions, offering answers, sharing opinions and ideas are all ways of demonstrating participation.)

Attendance               5%

(Punctuality counts. Attendance is taken sharp at the start of class.)

*Papers turned in late will receive one letter grade lower per day.

**Independent reading and media viewing are vital components of the course and to be completed outside of class.

***Drinks are permitted in the classroom. Students are expected to pick up after themselves.

****Plagiarism, cell phone use, text messaging during class…hmm.


Week             Topics                                                                Key Dates

1                    Course Introduction

                      Film Narrative and Meaning Making

2                    Story and Script                                    

                      Preproduction Planning

3                    Video Recording and Film Systems                   Reflective Writing

                      Digital Technologies

4                    Image and Lens                                           

                      Camera Analysis

5                    Sound Recording Systems                                 Reflective Writing

                      Mixing Techniques

6                    Lighting                                                    

                      Composition and Camerawork

7                    Set and Location Considerations                       Reflective Writing

                      Postproduction Workflow

8                    Structural Editing Theory                           

                      Nonlinear Editing                                             

9                    File Systems, Codecs, and Media Storage       Reflective Writing

                      Working with Mixed Formats

10                  Titles and Special Effects                                  

                      Color Correction

11                  Music and Sound Effects                                   Reflective Writing

                      Legal and Copyright Issues

12                  Producing the Movie                                         


13                  Distribution Channels                                         Reflective Writing

                      Marketing and Publicity

14                  Proposal Writing                                           

                      Selling the Project

15                  Trends and New Technologies                                        Reflective Writing

                      Student Selected Topic(s)

16                  Course Review

                      Final Exam                                               
